Löysin toissapäivänä ikkuna shoppailessani korkokengät joita olen etsinyt jo pitkään. Ne olivat aivan täydelliset kengät. Nuo korkokengät olivat kuin tehty minulle. Voitaisiin sanoa, että se oli rakkautta ensisilmäykselläm;) Ne olivat tarkoitettu minulle. Valitettavasti en vielä pystynyt niitä ostamaan, mutta tiedän vielä seuraavalla viikolla palaavani kauppaan ja samalla tuon rakkauteni kotiin sillä sen verran kenkiin ihastuin, että ne on vain pakko saada. Olen etsinyt nuden värisiä korkokenkiä jo pitkän aikaa ja onhan niitä tullut vastaan, mutta ei vain sellaisia joihin olisin rakastanut ensil-silmäyksella, mutta nyt se tuuri kävi minulle ja aion nuo kengät saada omakseni vielä ennen kesää tai muuten se on uusi ostosreissu edessä, nude kenkien metsästys.
// I found these perfect heels yesterday and guess what happened when I saw them? Yes, I did fall in love. This happens to me alot, but I know when the right comes in front of me and this was it. I saw them, I tried on them and it was done. I must have them! I've been trying to find perfect nude heels and I finally did it. I was window shopping, looking for these lovelys, but unfortunately I couldn't buy them right away, but I promise to go back there and buy them on the next week. I can't let them go and if I do? Well there's going to be a problem, because first. I have to find new perfect heels. I've been looking for these heels forever and I've found many, but not the right ones. Now I found them so I have to get them. I don't care what it takes! ;)
Shoes by/from; Nilson Shoes
// I found these perfect heels yesterday and guess what happened when I saw them? Yes, I did fall in love. This happens to me alot, but I know when the right comes in front of me and this was it. I saw them, I tried on them and it was done. I must have them! I've been trying to find perfect nude heels and I finally did it. I was window shopping, looking for these lovelys, but unfortunately I couldn't buy them right away, but I promise to go back there and buy them on the next week. I can't let them go and if I do? Well there's going to be a problem, because first. I have to find new perfect heels. I've been looking for these heels forever and I've found many, but not the right ones. Now I found them so I have to get them. I don't care what it takes! ;)
Shoes by/from; Nilson Shoes
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