sunnuntai 28. elokuuta 2011

Manicure, Pedicure, Coffee, Shopping.. Girls Night Out!

Gosh, this weekend went so fast! It's my first weekend after my school started.. I just can't believe that I'm going to school tomorrow, AGAIN! It feels frustfrating to go to school.. Maybe it's because I'm not in the place where I wanna study, I just have to survive of it! It's just one year and then I'm in there where I really wanna be, I know I can do it. #DreamBig, like they say. It's true, we have to Dream Big if we want to make our dreams true! Nothing's easy in this world. We need to work hard for every thing what we want to be, where we want to go, who want.. It's all about us! We make a change, together.

Anyways my friend came to my house this weekend and well we had a girls night! We want to have a coffee to Coffee House and then little bit shopping and then Face Mask's.. girl talk, about boys! (; Boys beware!! haha. It was fun, made me feel good. I love to do girl stuff with my bestfriend.. It makes me forget about everything, it's really relaxing. Thanks to my bestfriend Marissa! She made my weekend amazing. (:
We made face mask's and relaxed in the bed watching CSI Miami and talking boys and why they don't tell that they love somebody.. It's their lost, other boys can steal their hearts while they don't do anything... They just love you behind your back, dreaming about you and next day they notice that you're gone... It's weird but it's also so damn true boys! Make a change and ask your dream girl out, she might love you back without you even knowing of it. Life is wonderful, full of surprises! (;

And next day I got an idea to paint my jewellery rack again! It had a text saying; "Le Bain"
hmmm.. So not my style so I painted a rose and some beautiful glittery things.. So my style now!

lauantai 27. elokuuta 2011

Taiteiden Yö

Joo siis tosiaan olin eilen Taiteiden Yössä jonne suuntasin parin tai no seitsemän hyvän ystäväni kanssa joita en ollut nähnyt pitkään aikaan. Kävimme syömässä Chicoksessa (en osaa kirjoittaa sitä nimeä :P), kun Amarillo oli sitten kerran täynnä ja tunnin jonotus aika, huhhuh. Joten menimme Chicokseen syömään ja itse asiassahan siellä on ruoka edullista, mutta jotenkin vain se Amarillo kuitenkin kohtaa paremmin, se on vain se parempi vaihto-ehto ainakin minun mielestäni! :P

No syömisen jälkeen ja käppäilimme Kampin edustalle ostamaan jätskiä ja nauttimaan paperille maalaamisesta, joka oli itse asiassa todella mukavaa! Sai käyttää omia käsiäänkin :D Ja sitten siellä oli sumopainia josta olin hieman ihmeissäni ja toki olisin halunnut kokeilla, mutta se maksoi 7 euroa...hmmm... kallista, mutta todella hauskalta näytti! Ehkä sitten joku päivä uskaltaudun kokeilemaan, who knows! (;

Käväisimme Töölöössäkin, mutta siellä enemmän oli kaikki dokaava nuoriso ja poliiseja kaikkialla.. Ratikat täynnä, Bussit täynnä. Koko Helsinki aivan sekaisin Taiteiden Yössä, mutta missä se taide sitten oli?
Töölöössä löytyi aivan ihania tuli esityksiä ja muita, rakastin niitä todella paljon! Ne olivat todella ihania! Aivan mahtavia tai no en tiedä, mutta en itse tosiaankaan olisi uskaltanut tehdä niin. Ne olivat taiteellisia (;

torstai 25. elokuuta 2011

The Time Of Our Lives...

Done & Done.
So happy to start the weekend tomorrow with a finnish Taiteiden Yö (Art Night) happening. I will take some photos and send them to you tomorrow then. I'm so excited to start my "official" weekend tomorrow but of course I'd rather to take a vacation... Of course! haha. I prefer vacations.
School is so f*cking tough but I'll survive alive, or do I? Oh well I will survive alive.

It was so hot today! I loved it because I love when the sun is shining & it's warm and not storming so you feel like staying in than being outside with your friends. Hope so tomorrow is so hot as today was. Let's hope for the best! (:

I went to shopping today! Well shopping and shopping.. I was supposed to buy some school stuff but I ended to Accessorize to buy everything cool! I went to find a beautiful beautiful pencil case from there, which I found, and well I found one and bought but then I saw this gold long super flawless scarf.. I thinked...I thinked...And thinked... And bought it. Now it's mine! This beautiful scarf! I'm going to wear tomorrow to school so everyone can see how beautiful it is! ;) haha. Bet they'll love it. Anyways I had a nice day and btw I can send the pictures of those tomorrow if you want to? Of course you want and even if you don't I'll do it anyways because you MUST see it... you'll love my scarf!

Dress; BikBok. Jersey; H&M Bracelet; GUESS

maanantai 22. elokuuta 2011

New School, New Wings, New Me & New Hair.

Dyed my hair few days and they were supposed to be brown but it came black but it's okey because I think it fits me pretty well even tho I'm saying it but I've heard many positives comments about my hair & well I'm happy for that it came good then. (;

Sorry for not posting new things about things but I've been SO busy with every thing. Interviews, school, studying and well preparing myself for a new year in school of opportunities. If we can say that. I got into Vantaan Ammattiopisti Varia high school and I'm pretty happy about it but I'm changing the school next year to Kallio so I can have acting as my subject, it suits me better.. way better! haha.
I had my first day in school today and well umm it was pretty cool but everything was so new to me. How to act there, Where to go, The teachers, New classmates! Ugh, I'm still terrified but I'll be fine, I'll be fine with a time. I really hope that the school goes excellent this so I can in to Kallio & raise myself to an actress, my dream job.  
Dreams are made to be dreamed. #DreamBig !! ~ And that's so true.
Having an other day tomorrow! Let's hope that it goes well.. I think it does but we'll see what's going to happen.
But for now let's focus the outfit of the day & I bet you wanna see my new hair & color (;

Flats; MicMac Jeans; GUESS Tank Top; TopShop Scarf; Pasmina

New hair color... Brown & Black, like it? (;
Personally I really like this color & it suits me really well. I think I'm going dye my hair like this next time as well.

perjantai 19. elokuuta 2011

Back To School!

Nonni se on sitten opiskelu paikkakin tiedossa, kun ei kallion lukioon rahkeet riittäneet tänä vuonna, mutta kyllä sinne seuraavana vuonna päästään sen voin luvata! ;)

Sain kymppiluokalta paikan ja olen siitä todella iloinen, koska aluksi annettiin opiskelijoiden ymmärtää, että kaikille ei olisi paikkaa, mutta sieltä ne sitten löytyivät, kun Helsingin Sanomia tuossa yksi päivä lukaisin ja olen todella kiitollinen kaupungilla, että ne sieltä kaikille löytyivät, hyvä niin! En jaksaisi lähteä kouluun, mutta pakko se on, jos haluaa elämässa edetä! Kyllä se vielä siitä niin menee kunhan päästään vauhtiin koulun ja muiden asioiden kanssa, koska nimittäin pitäisi työpaikkakin vielä löytää jotta pystyisi makselemaan menoja ja muita kuluja! Kun sitä rahaakin saa menemään niin perkeleesti nykyään, kun kaikki on niin kallista, mutta se on vain se nyky maailma jolle ei voi mitään! life is climb but the views great ;) Niin kuin se Miley Cyrus sanoo. haha. No mutta eiköhän tässä selvitä oman lompakon anoreksiasta ja vielä opiskeluista (toivotaan parasta) kaupan päälle!
Kyllä se siitä vielä iloksi muuttuu.

tiistai 16. elokuuta 2011

Rihanna On The Beach

Last night was amazing!
Went to Rihanna's concert and met Tinie Tempah & Cheek as well. Tinie rocked the beach! I've always loved Tinie's music, music videos and his voice. Hes a good rapper! He deserves to get more famous because hes got some real talent. I loved how he took a contact to his audience. He singed and danced to us and braved us to do the same.. He really loved us & that's what I love about artist who do that and Tinie did! I felt so good after Tinie. He needs to come back to Finland someday again. I'm so going to his concert if hes coming to Finland!

The whole night was amazing. I loved Rihanna's part as well. She was beautiful and got a better voice in live. She did amazing job! Wish I'd had a change to take pictures but camera's were not allowed because somebody bought the photos to them so it limited to us to not take photos. It sucks but life is life. Anyways I had a great night expect Rihanna was late half an hour but still we waited, of course. haha.

I remember when I was a huge Rihanna fan! It was when I was 12-13 years old. My room was surrounded Rihanna's posters and I had her every cd-from an I still have! I still love her. Shes an amazing artist and a person. 

Hope so Rihanna & Tinie are coming back to Finland next year! (;

sunnuntai 14. elokuuta 2011

Confirmation Party !!

Olin tänää tuolla parhaan kaverinin konfirmaatiossa ku se pääs sitte tänään ripille! (:
Tuntuu nii oudolt ku se naine on jo iso ! En usko et se täyttää jo 15 ku se on aina ollu sellane ihmine joka ei välitä seurauksist mitää et se vaa menee ja tekee asioita ilman miettimisii. Tuntuu jotenki nii vaa uskomattomalt et sil oli rippijuhlat tänää mut me jokainen kasvetaan totta kai. Oon kyl ylpee siitä naisesta! (; Se on mun pikkane joka ei tuu ikin kasvamaa aikuiseks! Oon tosi ilone et on kaverina sellane ihmine.. eihä sitä naist voi ees kuvailla sanoin. Voin vaa sanoo et se naine o iha uskomaton kaveri & persoona! (:
& sillä oli tosi ihanat rippijuhlat ja oli hauskaa! (;

Ja sitte huomenna yllätys Marissalle josta saatte itsekin huomenna sitten tietääpi! (;


Had my bestfriend's confirmation today! Shes so big girl already... I can't believe shes going to be 15 on November, I mean like shes my little girl who doesn't care about anything. It feels so unbelievable that she had confirmation today. Yet, I'm so proud of her !! Shes my little girl who will never grow up. (; Shes the fucking bestfriend and I'm happy to have a friend like her. Shes amazing ! <3 She had an amazing party and I loved it. Had nice time there.

I made a little surprise thing for her tomorrow and you will get to know it tomorrow night...(;

lauantai 13. elokuuta 2011

Home Sweet Home.

Home again! I love traveling but love to be back to home, because you have your own bed and everything there. It's time to post some pictures of my last trip in Finland or basically of this summer but anyways we went to Powerpark, Ala-härmä and our hotel was full so we decided to take a village from Powerpark's place so we got a place from there and it was beautiful and worth of every penny! Next day we went to have some fun to amusement park and after that we headed straight to Ikaalinen to get a hotel room from there and the hotel... it was soooo ugly! :x Bet it got one star but I survived, I'M ALIVE !! And we went swimming and next to Ti-Ti Nalle's house (Ti-Ti Bear, finnish thing) and headed to Tampere to visit my grandma's and grandfather's house and btw I got some SUPER HAPPY news! (; I'll make a post of it soon but yeah after them we went to home and I slept on my own bed and today I've been cleaning and stuff like that. I am sooo exhausted!

Silverstone, our house in the village. It was amazing, I loved that house !!
Love my new Fred Perry's (;
Powerpark from the sky.
From the pool. Water was so cold as always in this village.
From Ti-Ti Nalle's House (Ti-Ti Bear) My little sister was a huge Ti-Ti freak when she was younger.

tiistai 9. elokuuta 2011

Germany, Sweden, Estonia or what ?!

Ehanaa päivää! Täs näi just yritetää pähkäillä et mihi sitä menis? Haluisin ite mennä Saksaa, koska oon ite sinne aina halunnu mennä ku siel ne söpöt poitsukkelit on ja aivan henkeä salpaavat maisemat! Ja kieli on ihana, jotenkin vaan tykkään niitten kielestä, en kyllä tiedä minkä takia, mutta jotain siinä vaan on. Mutta taas Ruotsi olis sillee nii, koska siel olis ne tosi hyvät shoppaus mahollisuudet et sais kaikki loput tarvittavat jutut kouluun, kun en ole vieläkään niitä saanut ostettua.  Enpäs sitte tiedä, kun lopullinen tulos on äitistä ja iskästä kiinni, mutta toivotaan että käy hyvin!
Toivon vaa et saisin mahollisuuden mennä Saksaan! Se olis sellane unelma paikka käydä! Rakastaisin sitä tosi paljon, koska oon aina sinne halunnu mennä! Se olis aivan mahtavaa! (: Vaikka no ny seuraavan kesän pääsenki ku mennää Eurooppa Kiertueelle et kierretää Eurooppaa ympäri autolla kaikissa maissa! Mennää kaikki maihi ja tuun niin rakastaa koko matkaa, että! haha. No mut toivon, että valitaan se Saksa näistä vaihto-ehdoista! (;


Trying to decide my last days trip but have no idea where I should go? I would love to go to Germany because I have always wanted to go there because they got cute boys there and I love the views of Germany and the language. But Stockholm would be good place to go shopping because I need some final stuff to school and for the fall! I don't know. It's up to my mom and daddy.. 
Wish I'd get a change to go to Germany. It'd be a dream place to go! I'd love it sooooo much because I have always wanted to go there even tho I'm getting there next summer when we're doing Europe Tour with my family. We have several places to go, which I'm loving, of course! haha. I hope that we're deciding Germany. (; 
I'd be in heaven of course!

I guess we are deciding tonight what's gonna happen tomorrow!

picture; We Heart It

maanantai 8. elokuuta 2011

I think I was challenged by We Heart It - challenge! (;

Here we go with my dreams.. ENJOY!

The hair you would die for?

Your dream place to live?


Clothes you would like to wear?

The way you would like to spend most of your day?

Things you would like to have?

  Person you would love to look like? 

Pictures; We Heart It